Video - Koranischer Islam versus Islam, der sich auf Überlieferungen von Klerikern stützt - Ein Vortrag von Dr. Seyed Mostafa Azmayesh über zwei Islam Versionen (Islam-ol Madani und Islam-ol Badawi) und ihre gesellschaftliche Relevanz heute.

Zwei Islam-Versionen, Vortrag Dr. Seyed M. Azmayesh in Potsdam - On Friday, November 25, 2016 Dr. Seyed Mostafa Azmayesh delivered a lecture on the compatibility of the quranic wisdom with the modern human rights charter in Potsdam. Islam-ol Madani and Islam-ol Badawi. He was invited by the university of Potsdam, department of religions and the association Karamat e.V. to present his research in the frame of an exhibition supported by the mayor of Potsdam, Mr. Jann Jakobs, and the President of the region of Brandenburg, Mr. Manfred Stolpe. The exhibition focusses on the variety of religions and introduces their core values and traditions in a visual way.




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